
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Implementing Web Security & Their Protocols Functions

A number of approaches to providing Web security are possible. The various approaches that exist are described in this part of the article.

Fig: Security facilities in the TCP/IP protocol stack

1.  Secure-HTTP (S-HTTP)

Secure Hypertext Transfer Protocol (SHTTP) extends the features of Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP).  HTTP was designed for a Web that was simple, not requiring for dynamic graphics and hard encryption for end to end transactions that have since made. Since the Web has become in style for businesses users so the existing HTTP protocols required more cryptographic and graphic enhancement if it has to fulfill the demands of businesses users in the e-commerce industry.
S-HTTP protocol has the digital certificate whose design offers the secure connections between a HTTP client and a server mainly commercial transaction.  It is done by different techniques to offer the confidentiality, integrity and authentication.
The header and body of the messages are the two part of HTTP messages in which the header has information to the recipients (browser and server) on how to process the message’s body. The header of HTTP also contains information regarding the format during the transfer transaction which the client browser and the server will use. The S-HTTP protocol adds security by using additional headers for message encryption and how to decrypt the message body between the client browser and the server.

2.  Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer (HTTPS)

This is application layer protocol with security features within it and uses the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol as a sub-layer at the transport level. It is also referred to as Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer (HTTPS) or HTTP over SSL, in short. It is also a web protocol made by Netscape, and it is built into its browser to encrypt and decrypt user page requests as well as the pages that are returned by the Web server. It utilizes port 443 rather than HTTP port 80 in its communications with the lower layer, TCP/IP.

Secure Socket Layer (SSL)

SSL is a widely used common cryptographic system employed in the two main Internet browsers: Netscape and Explorer.  It offers an encrypted communication between a client and a server without considering about the platform or OS.
 S-HTTP was intended to deal with only web protocols. SSL protocols works with other network protocols in the network stack and it designed as an alternative for the sockets API. This protocol is defined at transport layer and adds security to the upper layers protocol while communication.

Transport Layer Security (TLS)

This protocol is also define at transport layer and is the effort of the 1996 Internet Engineering Task Force for standardization of a secure technique to communicate over the Web. The 1999 result of that effort was available as RFC 2246 spelling out a new protocol, the Transport Layer Security or TLS. It was responsible for offering security and data integrity at the transport layer between two applications. TLS version 1.0 was an evolved SSL 3.0. Normally, the new standard is termed as SSL/TLS. Since then, though, the subsequent supplementary features have been incorporated: Interoperability and Expandability. Interoperability is the ability to exchange TLS parameter whereas expandability is to plan for future expansion.

Secure Electronic Transactions (SET)

Secure electronic transactions is a cryptographic protocol made by a group of companies which are MasterCard, Netscape, Microsoft, RSA, Visa, IBM, and others.  For every transaction, it offers the subsequent services: confidentiality, message integrity, authentication, and linkage. It utilizes public key encryption and signed certificates to set up the identity of each one concerned in the transaction and to permit every communication between them to be confidential.

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